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Behind the Scenes of our latest campaign

Launching a new product during a pandemic has allowed our creativity and innovative spirit to shine! We’ve enlisted the help of the team and our family to showcase our new mist in our honestly natural way, creating a real-life campaign shot in our gardens and local parks on the same day last month, benefiting from a particularly beautiful deep blue sky! But more importantly, what our trio of real life models can demonstrate is the versatility of this mist as it’s as effective for my 40s + skin (Clare) as it is for my teenager (Rebecca) and Jess’ mid 20s complexion. So many of us suffer from blemishes and congestion either due to our age, stress or hormones so this mist has been designed to address these concerns and bring skin back into balance, naturally and gently.
As we’ve travelled through our natural skincare journey we’ve innovated according to our own needs and those of our family and growing customer following. One of the skin concerns that is raised time and time again is how to help balance a more oil-prone or hormonal, blemish-prone skin. Our best-selling Pure Skin Face Wash and Congested Skin Serum both feature alongside our new PHA Clarifying Mist in our wider launch campaign, still life photography shot beautifully by Clare’s partner, Roy at their home in North London.
And then those of you who’ve known us prior to our latest rebrand might remember our award-winning Congested Skin Sheet Mask that packed a potent twice-weekly punch to the skin thanks to its line up of naturally active ingredients from allontoin and zinc, infused into a bio-degradable charcoal mask. When we rebranded last autumn we realised we couldn’t continue with this product for the simple reason the foil outer packaging was not at all planet-friendly. So, fast forward to this year and it has inspired us to channel the goodness of this product into a daily facial mist which we’ve upgraded with some skin friendly PHAs.
The result is a highly effective clarifying treatment which combines a potent punch of gently exfoliating PHAs with a line-up of hard-working antibacterial ingredients.
We’d love to hear what you think so do try it and let us know how you get on. As we said, it’s suitable for a number of ages and life stages which we’ve hopefully reflected in our launch campaign of real life females to make this product relatable and a visual representation of who we’ve targeted it to. From teens, who are navigating their way through the influx of new hormones; young adults who could well be suffering from heightened stress and anxiety, especially right now; those recently pregnant or juggling young families; right through to those in the perimenopausal stage whose hormone levels are depleting, resulting in mid-life hormonal outbreaks and increased skin congestion.