Gabriela Peacock Q&A

We caught up with Gabriela Peacock, expert nutritionist and founder of supplements brand ‘GP Nutrition’, to hear all about her summer holidays and finding her balance
1. With summer holidays in full swing, what is your number 1 tip for staying healthy and balanced while you’re away?
As a nutritionist people expect me to be very strict on lifestyle but for me balance is absolutely crucial to a healthy and happy life. I want to enjoy time with my family and friends, which means having nice meals, a nice glass of wine, and the odd late night when I am away. I make sure I take the right supplements from my range to support my body, and try to keep everything in moderation. A little of what you fancy really does do you good. The benefits of a wonderful time with loved ones is food for the soul so the good outweighs the bad – it’s holiday time, allow yourself to relax.
2. What are your top 3 supplements to take pre-holiday, to get us bikini-ready and glowing?
I have created the perfect 3 day kits just for this very preparation. Bikini Me helps your feel lean and confident on the beach, Fly Me helps you with the travelling aspect of your trip, and Mini-Break me helps you settle in to restful sleep whilst you are. For the slightly more indulgent nights whilst away the Rescue Me kits is a miracle worker!
3. If you over-indulge whilst away, which supplements do you include in your diet when you’re home to get yourself back on track?
My absolute go to after over-indulging is Clean Me from my range. This is bursting with goodness and superfoods to help boost the immune system, support liver function and rebalance the body – I swear by it.
Outside of GP Nutrition I think Symprove is a great supplement to help restore and maintain gut health, which is so imporrtant. The benefit of a healthy gut is a really hot topic at the moment and cannot be understimated.
4. For someone who is new to the world of nutritional supplements, or finds it all a bit confusing, what would your best piece of advice be?
There is a huge amount of information surrounding nutrition and supplements, which can be incredibly confusing so firstly I would say don’t panic! I created GP Nutrition to take the complexity and confusion out of choosing the right supplements for you. Each formula provides your baseline vitamins and minerals, and then tops up with a boost of what you need to achieve your specific goal - be it more energy, to lose weight, to sleep better, or to boost immunity. I have put everything that you need in to easy daily sachets so that you don’t have to have 12 bottles in the cupboard, but one simple solution.
5. What are you beauty must-haves for a holiday?
I travel a lot so for me keeping hydrated on a flight is very important. With 3 children I don’t have time to use a hydration mask on a flight any more but I make sure to take a good quality facial oil to keep my skin protected and plumped.
For both myself and my family I ensure a natural SPF to protect our skin from damage, without any chemical nasties.
7. For when summer is over, which nutrients and supplements can help us fake that holiday-glow skin?
When the body is fuelled by optimum levels of vitamins and nutrients then it can truly shine. I created Enhance Me to support the body not only in energy and vitality, but also with essential ingredients to support glowing skin, hair and nails; it is a slightly unsung hero in my collection!